Partner with us.

We are seeking partners to join the CENPCT transdisciplinary team.

Learn more below, or download our brief prospectus.

Our aims

Our working aims are to: 

  • Develop and demonstrate nature-positive climate mitigation and adaptation approaches at scale through transdisciplinary action-research collaborations, including place-based trials.

  • Uncover socially and culturally inclusive, economically efficient, and scientifically robust approaches to minimise harm and maximise benefit to nature of climate transitions. 

  • Create and road test a nature-positive climate transitions toolbox for application across multiple sectors. 

  • Build a nature-positive climate resilience community of practice, including transdisciplinary expertise, with influential government, business, Indigenous and community champions to bring society-wide positive impact.

Your benefits

This Centre will be built on genuine principles of co-design and delivery to ensure research is tailored for adoption and impact, benefiting your organisation and your partners who are working towards nature-positive climate futures. It aims to draw together the best available expertise across disciplines and sectors to understand the challenges ahead of us and design transitions towards shared, nature-positive visions. The Centre will provide real-time ecological, social and cultural insights, colleagues, complementary expertise, and research to support your projects and achievement of your own nature-positive goals.  

We are looking for lead organisations in priority sectors to co-design our research program and help implement action research projects that show what is possible in achieving nature-positive climate transitions that are good for people.

Each project and theme will be co-led by research CIs and industry/on-ground partners.

Partnership avenues

We are seeking partners who are willing to engage with us in designing and delivering this vision for an integrated research program for nature-positive climate transitions.
There are range of contributions we partner through, with two key categories of contribution we are currently looking for.


In-kind contributions could include:

supporting on-ground projects and partnerships

providing research leadership

contributing data and/or networks

providing space and support for workshops and community engagement

and/or contributing to project co-design, implementation, engagement, communication and dissemination.

Cash contibutions.

A cash contribution would enable us to scale up research by supporting postdoctoral, PhD and Masters researchers in areas of high priority for our partners.

Contribution matching.

Partner contributions are matched by contributions from the Australian Research Council and participating universities.

Help us map out Australia’s nature-positive climate transition.