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CENPCT Experts In The Media
ABC Interview: Nature-positive cities and suburbs
ABC News spoke to CENPCT Chief Investigator Professor of Sustainability Sarah Bekessy from RMIT University about the issue and how we approach development to create liveable cities that are better for people as well as nature.
Media Release: Experts propose mapping renewables for minimal environmental impact
The Biodiversity Council, an independent expert group formed by 11 universities including CENPCT Chief Investigators Brendan Wintle and Sarah Bekessy, says that the rapid roll out of green energy projects must be carefully and strategically directed to avoid trashing important natural habitats, agricultural land and cultural values.
Partnership Announcement: The University of Melbourne joins the Nature Positive Economy CRC
Driven by a shared understanding of the urgent need for a collective response to the biodiversity crisis, CENPCT Chief Investigators from University of Melebourne celebrate a transformative partnership with the Nature Positive Econonomy CRC.
The Fifth Estate Op Ed: Biodiversity sensitive design a recommended approach for urban developers
Tree-lined streets, while cooler than their canopy-less counter parts, may provide little benefit for biodiversity or native wildlife if they’re filled with a single species of non-native canopy tree, writes CENPCT Chief Investigator Sarah Bekessy.
Keynote Review: Collective decision making needed to balance energy transition and biodiversity.
CENPCT Chief Investigator Rachel Morgain discusses the need for First Peoples and grassroots communities to be involved in renewables decision making.